e-Awakening Reflects on 2022

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This was a year I have dreamed about for a long time and I am sad to see it pass.

     But pass it must… and so I will give it my one last reflection and then smile as our work continues into 2023.


     e-Awakening.com was started to bring attention to the protecting and preserving of our environment. We quickly realized that it was people who will make the difference in either “Saving” or “Trashing” the planet. So we shine a spotlight on “Local Environmental Heroes”.

     Our documentary, “The Mountain Song” was the beginning. Interviewing the people we met along the Appalachian trail. https://eawakening.wistia.com/medias/3mjfhktcg1.

     Then we purposely set up interviews with leading Environmental Heroes in all the towns along the Bay Circuit Trail. This hike was a series of 22 days and interviews with over 60 people who are leading the way in protecting and preserving their local environment.


     Our friend Al French is my mentor and inspiration who was also one of the founders and the Executive Director of the Bay Circuit Alliance. Al helped me find interviews for the Bay Circuit Trail documentaries. We began to work together on several projects aimed at getting people out to appreciate and protect our environment

     Upon Al’s urgings and example, Marilyn and I decided to become more active in our home town of Abington Massachusetts. With help from Kurt Buermann president of Sharon Friends of Conservation for the last 20 plus years, we began to use social media to inspire Abington Friends of Conservation. This community took off and soon many like minded individuals became a force for Conservation in our town.

     There was a drastic change in priorities. A public town auction of some very key ecological parcels of land stimulated a public outcry to save the woods and wetlands that would have been sold to the highest bidder. Instead of becoming private parcels of our town of Abington, just this year 2022, put nearly 90 parcels into conservation.  

     This is a major achievement for any town… but the work is just starting. We are working on other parcels to conserve and will remain vigilant to assure that the parcels we “Saved” remain “Saved" in perpetuity

     “Gateways to Nature” is one initiative e-Awakening started with Al French and in 2022 we started “Green Community Connections”  http://www.e-awakening.com/gcc.html. We believe that when Environmental Heroes work together they become, smarter, stronger and more effective.

     And, by the way, we can all become Environmental Heroes right here in our own backyards…There is so much “We” can do when we go from the ”Knowing to the Doing”!

     “Best of everything in the New Years to come. The Earth is our home and it is our health and our Happiness!” Come to the “Gateways To Nature” and get connected.

                    Marilyn and Dan Brielmann, Abington, 2023

One year wraps up and another year starts.  We'd like to take this opportunity to look back on 2022.  It was a very busy year.  There has been a slight increase in the focus on the environment at many levels.  We can all keep contacting our representatives locally and federally to keep the environmental focus moving forward.  Everyone can have an active part in saving our natural world.  

Now let's look back on 2022!!!!!