Green Community Connections

Weymouth/Braintree Walk

GCC's Braintree/Weymouth Walk

June 11, 2022

GCC had a walk with Community Partner Robert Kearns. He led the walk at the Fore River Estuary - Idelwell in Weymouth and Braintree.

It was on June 11th from 2:30pm to 4pm

Photo Courtesy of Robert Kearns

Contact Dan and Marilyn Brielmann


to see how you can get involved in the

preservation of your local environment.

Here are a few ideas on staying safe on walks and hikes into Nature.

1.  Wear long pants tucked into socks.

2.  Wear sturdy hiking shoes that protect

     ankles and that are comfortable.

3.  Use insect protection and after a hike take a

     warm shower and comb hair for ticks.

     We wash our hiking clothes in case of ticks.

4.  Look but don't touch.......some plants

     are poisonous.

5.  Wear sun protection like sunblock and a

     hat....long sleeves protect arms.  Don't

     forget to protect the back of your neck from


6.  Wear a mask and respect other peoples

     space by staying 6 feet apart.  Masks can

     also protect you from pollen.

7.  Be observant and watch your step to avoid

     accidents and to enjoy the sights and sounds

     of Nature.

8.  Avoid walking thru tall grass.  Stick to the

     trail.  Step lightly on the land.

9.  Have fun learning more about Nature and

     then become active in preserving and

     protecting our environment.

Prepared for

Green Community Connections Walks

by Dan Brielmann of


The GCC - Braintree/Weymouth Walk - Video

For this walk we were out of the forest, Robert Kearns led us on a path to  discovery and learning more about estuaries and their environmental importance. This walk involved two communities that are closely connected. Coming together, sharing ideas, learning about what works in different communities is part of Green Community Connections. One thing that is evident is that we aren't alone in our quest to preserve our remaining forests, meadows, estuaries, and wetlands.